Over time, lenders build a network of title companies that they use for their clients home buying needs. Each time a borrower doesn’t know where to turn for title work, the lender will recommend someone they have built a relationship with.
As a title company, knowing how to get on their list is essential. After all, if they don’t know you, how can they recommend you?
Developing a great digital marketing strategy while also perfecting your office operations can both help you to get noticed by lenders. Let’s take a closer look at how you can successfully market your title company to lenders.
Build an Impressive Online Presence
Building an impressive online presence focuses on two main things: your company website and social media activity.
Creating a website that will wow lenders is not something you typically want to do yourself. Whether or not you have had success with other DIY projects in the past doesn’t matter here. The world of digital marketing has a lot of intricate parts - and the directions to piece them together are always evolving.
Your end product should be a modern, professional website. It should be mobile-friendly, optimized for ranking in a Google search, and have just the right amount of fresh content.
An online presence that rises above will also have active, engaging social media accounts. Produce relevant posts a couple of times each week across your platforms. Though, there is such a thing as too many posts so stick to no more than three. While you are marketing yourself, you do so subtly. Instead of a “pick me! Pick me!” approach, keep your posts light and educational - with a little fun thrown in, too.
Your online presence is likely one of the first things a lender will see. Make it a positive and professional reflection of who your company is.
Get Files Closed
Ask any lender what they look for in a title company and their answer will likely be some form of their ability to get files closed. There is not one person involved in a real estate transaction that wants the sale left hanging in the balance.
Lenders respect a title company that they can rely on to:
● Do their due diligence in searching for the title
● Address any conditions that must be met for a clear title
● Organize documents for closing
● Have all documents properly signed and notarized
● Send the final set of documents to recording in a timely manner
Being able to streamline the process and get files closed can lead to return business, over and over again. And if the lender has never heard of your title company until the borrower chose you to handle the title work - then this is your time to shine.
Expand Your Network
Expand your network of lenders by putting yourself out there. This means attending networking events or industry events like conferences and seminars. These are great places to get your title company’s name out there and collect emails from different lenders and brokers.
Brainstorm creative ideas to have your title company stand out from the crowd. And, always follow up a meeting with a personalized email.
Focus on Buyers, Sellers, and Real Estate Agents
Do you want to get to lenders? Focus your attention on consumers and real estate agents. Depending on where you are located, there is a good chance that buyers and sellers can choose their own title company. And, realtors are known for leading their clients to preferred title companies. Why not focus your marketing efforts on each of these?
Letting these individuals bring the lender to you gives you the perfect “in.” When you find yourself working with new lenders, show them your efficient streamlined processes and your ability to clear titles for closing. Present yourself professionally. Be impressive. And, watch what happens.
The Wrap Up
There are many title companies trying to make their way in the industry. To succeed, you have to present yourself as better than all the rest - because you are. With the right strategy, you can improve your online presence, expand your network, and reach out to the right people. Remember, nothing great happens overnight. So, be consistent and keep your focus steady. Your hard work will pay off.
Dalton Digital is a marketing agency that focuses exclusively on helping title companies grow their closing volume. Contact us today to discuss ways to grow your title company and expand your network.